Warning!!! skipping DS26,DS35

Creating filtered mpileup, and list from bams


  • Q 30 base quality filter
  • all samples must be covered at the position (cov>0)
  • no deletion or insertions at the position
  • minimum reference nucleotide frequency < 0.9 (if all of them are above 0.9 there is no reliable calable mutation)


  • modified mpileup format: no base qualities kept
  • extra lines added in Orsi's format (which is:'# chr pos ref samplename cov acount ccount gcount tcount samplename cov acount ccount ... ')


  • -B causes no local realignement in samtools
    • should try to asses the effect
  • The python script might be the bottleneck! if this is true, it can be augmented with a C scipt i have almost ready.

Script for creating pileup and filtering pileup lines

Paralellization scheme

  • genome is cut into pieces, they run in parallel (etc chr1:0-1000000 )

Pileup generation

  • samtools mpileup on all samples


  • intially with grep, awk, sed
  • later more complicated things in python

In [1]:
%%writefile snp_list_temp.py

#import modules
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import fnmatch
import re
import numpy as np

flags=" -Q30 -B "

#neighborhood data read from cmdline

#ouput files
output_fname= str(chrom) + '-' + str(posfrom) +  str(posto) + '.pup'


#filenames for samplenames
#collect filenames
for fname in os.listdir(rm_dup_dir):
    if (fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, '*.bam') and 
        not fnmatch.fnmatch(fname,"*.bam.bai") and 
        (not fnmatch.fnmatch(fname,"DS26*")) and
        (not fnmatch.fnmatch(fname,"DS35*"))):

#create pileup command
cmd_mpileup = samtools + ' mpileup ' + flags + ' -f ' + ref_fa
cmd_mpileup += ' -r ' + str(chrom) +':'+ str(posfrom) +  str(posto) + ' ' 
cmd_mpileup += ' '.join([rm_dup_dir+x for x in fnames]) + ' | '

# throw away quality
cmd_q_filt= ' awk \' BEGIN{FS=\"\t\"} { print $1,$2,$3'
for i in xrange(len(fnames)):
cmd_q_filt+='} \' | '

#delete lines with ins, or del 
#their bases are not at the position 
# or they are not clean
cmd_del_ins_filt= " grep -v  [\*\+\-] | "

#min cov filter (>0)
cmd_cov_filt= ' awk \' BEGIN{FS=\" \"} ' 
cmd_cov_filt += ' && '.join([ '$'+str(4+i*2)+'>0' for i in xrange(len(fnames))])
cmd_cov_filt += ' {print} \' | '

# delete first base quality (it can be mistaken for a base)
cmd_first_base_filt= " sed  's/\^.//g' " 

#create full command and execute
cmd_full= cmd_mpileup + cmd_q_filt + cmd_del_ins_filt
cmd_full += cmd_cov_filt + cmd_first_base_filt 

#run the pipeline
output_f=open(output_dir + output_fname,'w')
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
p = Popen(cmd_full, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1,executable='/bin/bash',shell=True)
with p.stdout:
    for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
        #parse line
        #no strip needed?
        linelist=line.upper().split(' ')

        #count ref
        for i in xrange(len(bases)):

        #make freq from count 
        ref_freq[covs !=0]=ref_count[covs !=0]/covs[covs != 0]

        #suspicious filter
        if(ref_freq[ref_freq_id[0]] >=  0.9):

        #create Orsi list format
        #for interesting positions
        # count all bases
        format_orsi='# '+ ' '.join(linelist[0:3])
        for i in xrange(len(bases)):
            format_orsi+=' '+fnames[i].split('.')[0]+' '+str(covs[i])
            format_orsi+=' '+str(len(re.findall('A',tempbase))) 
            format_orsi+=' '+str(len(re.findall('C',tempbase))) 
            format_orsi+=' '+str(len(re.findall('G',tempbase))) 
            format_orsi+=' '+str(len(re.findall('T',tempbase))) 

        #print pileup and Orsi's format too, 
Writing snp_list_temp.py

Calculate the blocks of parallelization

Set approxiamte number of paralellized blocks

  • there will be more blocks
In [2]:
In [3]:
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq


#genome lengths

#parsing fasta file
for seqin in SeqIO.parse(refFasta,"fasta"):
	# scaffolds and mitochondrium not used
        if (len(seqin.id) < 3 and seqin.id!='MT' ):
            #save lengths

#set maximum block size

#calculate blocks
#loop pover chroms
for chrom in chromDict.keys():
	#until chrom is chopped into pieces
	while (pointer < chromDict[chrom]):
	        pointer += blockSize   

Run the jobs in slurm

In [4]:
import subprocess
for block in blocks:
        print subprocess.check_output(
            [ 'sbatch', '--mem',str(1000),'-C','jimgray83' , './snp_list_temp.py' ,
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
        print e.output,
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